Dr. Albritton is an Assistant Medical Professor in the Department of Community Health and Social Medicine. Dr. Albritton has extensive training in community-based behavioral intervention research, particularly with minority populations, in both urban and rural communities. She completed a 3-year postdoctoral fellowship at the Yale University Center for Interdisciplinary Research on AIDS and School of Public Health. Her research focuses on sexually transmitted infections and HIV prevention intervention among African American adolescents. She also examines the individual, interpersonal, community and environmental level factors that influence risk and protective behaviors. The scope of Dr. Albritton’s research includes adolescent sexual and reproductive health and health services, HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted infections prevention interventions, urban and rural sexually transmitted infections disparities, community health, community-based participatory research, and social technology innovation and intervention research.
Learn more here: https://www.ccny.cuny.edu/profiles/tashuna-albritton