Over the past 25 years, Dr. Amr Soliman has been collaborating with faculty in Africa, the Middle East, and minority populations in the U.S. to develop a program in international cancer epidemiology and migration studies. This has led to a strong research infrastructure with several centers in Africa to investigate the epidemiology of colorectal, cervical, and breast cancers. The U54 research training program that he has led in Tanzania and the inflammatory breast cancer research study that he leads in North Africa are major components of his research that provides significant opportunities for research training of students of the NCI-funded R25 Cancer Epidemiology Education in Special Populations (CEESP) program. The CEESP program was funded from the NCI in 2006 and is continuing through the current third 5-year grant cycle that ends in 2021. Dr. Soliman has also conducted collaborative research with the minority-focused SEER registry in Detroit, the Michigan Cancer Consortium, the State Cancer Registry of Michigan, and the Arab American Center for Social and Economic Services in Dearborn, Michigan. He has also established research studies with the African and Asian refugees in Nebraska and with minority populations in Omaha and Lincoln, Nebraska. His research mentoring experience includes working with trainees from minority and underserved populations. His research also includes access to cancer care, screening, and early detection in these populations.
Learn more here: https://www.ccny.cuny.edu/profiles/amr-soliman